YÖS Exam Pre-Enrolment Form

YÖS (Foreign Students Examination); It is an examination organized by universities to study undergraduate or pre-license in State Universities in Turkey. (This examination is not required for PhD and Master’s degree.) You will be enrolled in State universities according to the average score of your exam score and your diploma score. However, you do not need to take this exam in private universities. Most of the private universities are taught in English and enrolled according to your diploma grade and tuition fees are charged. Click for sample YÖS exam questions.

YÖS exams are conducted in various foreign languages, mainly in Turkish and English at the dates determined by each university (usually in April and May) in many countries abroad. Students can take the YÖS exam organized by more than one university. Each university accepts its own YÖS exam, as well as the YÖS Exam conducted by other universities. Examination fees are variable and approximately 50 USD and it is obligatory to register and pay this fee on the dates specified before the examination. Please click here for the current dates and conditions of YÖS Exam.

As ISSA, we accept pre-registration for YÖS Exam from our website.Please click to pre-enrollment for YÖS from ISSA. When you decide to take the exam of the universities, we will receive a 50 USD fee as online with credit card, by bank or in cash from students, and you will be able to register for the final exam. Even if you do not take the exam after the final registration or if you do not pass the exam, your money is not refunded. We will give you a consultation in the registration process until you take the YÖS Exam and we will not charge you another fee of 50 USD.

Complete the pre-registration form. 


Now you can take the YÖS exam online from all over the world.


Application deadline: 23 July 2020 Thursday Time 17.30 (GMT+3 Turkey’s Local Time)

Also, follow us on our website for the next Online exam dates.

Note: The examination hours announced on our website is based on the local time in Turkey, you must check the time for your own own country.  (https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/)

Online YÖS exam dates: https://www.iois.org.tr/online-cevrimici-iois-yos-sinavi-umid6177.html?lid=2

Click here to pay the entrance fee for YÖS. https://www.iois.org.tr/iois-issa-isbirligi-umid6227.html?lid=2

Universities Accepting IOIS-YÖS. https://www.iois.org.tr/iois-yos-u-kabul-eden-universiteler-umid6176.html?lid=2

For detailed information: https://www.iois.org.tr/iois-yos-nedir–umid6175.html?lid=2 

Note: Make sure to register before you pay.  Please indicate your name, surname and reference number stated in the registration.  Also send your payment information to yos@issa.org.tr

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